Friday, April 27, 2012

Learning to Burp

So lately Julia has had a lot of gas (we won't share who she gets that from)...and so we've been trying different ways to burp her and help her not be so fussy.

Sometimes this works:

But when it doesn't, Seth tries the reverse football hold:

And then there's the leg under the stomach method:

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Learning to Bathe

                 Before the bath:                                                                                           After the bath:


Julia isn't used to the water yet, but we are improving our technique of wash and dry so she doesn't get too cold during the bath (hence we thought to bathe her in the warm daylight).  She certainly liked the snugly drying phase in this amazingly soft towel robe.  Now I see why people bathe their children at nighttime!

No naked bath photos to be posted.  Seth doesn't want to embarrass her later on in life. He has no idea...

Maybe he's right though--you can see that she is modestly covering up the part of her chest that was left exposed.  :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Learning to Stroll

Here, Seth is smiling to create the illusion that Julia is not screaming in the bassinet below 
on her first stroll around the block.  The first clue that she is unhappy can be found if you look closely at the photo below and see that both of her hands are outstretched reaching for someone to help get her out:

The second clue that she's unhappy-- Seth is speeding ahead to get home quickly:

And the third and final clue that she's unhappy:

Okay, so I realize that my own desire to get out of the house made me overlook some things like:

1.  It was overcast and a little cooler than usual.
2.  She just nursed and spit up minutes before we set her down in the bassinet.
3.  We didn't swaddle her or put a hat on her.
4.  She has already told us she doesn't like this bassinet.

We'll try again another day with some modifications!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Learning to Dream

I know I should be sleeping when Julia is sleeping, but it is so tempting to just watch her sleep!  In this video, here she is trying to get into the REM stage:

"Once upon a time, I, Chuang Chou, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, a veritable butterfly, enjoying itself to the full of its bent, and not knowing it was Chuang Chou. Suddenly I awoke, and came to myself, the veritable Chuang Chou. Now I do not know whether it was then I dreamt I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man. Between me and the butterfly there must be a difference. This is an instance of transformation."

Learning to Rest

Our retro bouncer came today, and Julia tried to take a Shabbat rest in it.  Unlike others with lots of buttons and noises, this one is simple-- when she moves, it bounces.  There are three settings-- two others sit her more upright when she is a little older and can hold her head up by herself.  As you can see, she was wide awake--the nap will have to wait.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Learning to Love

Here are photos of Julia's loving fan club!  More photos to be added...

Learning to Live

I don't often write in a journal anymore, but I do fondly look back at some words I wrote before I had my first date with Seth and the words I wrote immediately after that night.  It is fun to see what was in my mind and heart then, knowing the wonderful outcome of that encounter.

The following is a letter I wrote to Julia when I was about 2-3 months pregnant with her.

October 10, 2011

Dear Julia Zahara,

I don't actually know if you're a girl yet to be addressing this note to Julia, but I wanted to start sharing with you what I do know.  Of course I want you to know things like how much you are loved and how much your father and I want you and look forward to meeting you and growing with you on this side of my body.  But, what I pray for now, is that I hope you know the small yet miraculous things in life:  that you learn to breastfeed well, that you take in the world with all of your senses, that you learn to hold yourself physically and learn to walk and run, that you learn how to communicate, that you enjoy books and music with us, that you take pleasure in school and learning, that you make strong friendships and connections and loving relationships, that you discover your own strength and abilities to make yourself happy, and that you use your good health, strong mind and body to love life and do good in this world.

You and I both know intensely that your first few months inside of me have been full of both joy and sorrow.  I pray that this only helps prepare you for what lies ahead.  May our journey together for these nine months help nourish you to understand and marvel at both the simplicity and complexity of life.  

I love you.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Learning to Feed


This post is definitely for both Julia and Seth!  Today was the first day I used the pump, and Seth was able to feed Julia.  Both did a great job-- Seth is a natural, and Julia was very good at taking the bottle and then later in the day was happy to nurse with me again.  So far, so good.  I look forward to giving Seth more opportunities to feed Julia!

Learning to Breathe

The title of this post could apply to Seth and me, as parents, as well as Julia!

For some photos from Julia's first week of life, click here:

She has arrived!

Dearest Family & Friends,
 ...מי זאת הנשקפה כמו שחר יפה כלבנה ברה כחמה איומה כנידגלות
"Who is she that shines through like the dawn, beautiful as the moon, radiant as the sun, awesome as bannered hosts?" (Song of Songs 6:10)

With joy and gratitude, we announce the arrival of our daughter

~ Julia Zahara ~ 

on Tuesday, April 3, 2012 / 11 Nisan 5772 at 7:20 am (8lbs. 2oz. & 21.75 in.).

Although we had a scheduled c-section planned for late morning, Julia decided to come of her own accord.  I went into labor in the middle of the night and ended up with a medication-free vaginal birth and this immense blessing.

We look forward to celebrating with you when Julia has a developed immune system!

With love and affection, always,

Sapphira & Seth Edgarde 
(yes, we've decided on a family name...more on that later!)