Monday, December 24, 2012

Learning to Pose

Aunt H calls this Julia's "Hollywood pose."

And since Julia is home-schooled right now, I call this her "school picture!"

Learning to Chill

I know "they" say not give a child any kind of screen time before age 3, but we figure Julia's father grew up on TV and still managed to accomplish something in life.  Besides, here Julia is sick with a cold and just needed that relaxing time.  The Mary Tyler Moore Show can't hurt, right? 

Here Julia attempts to throw her shirt above her head the way Mary throws her hat up in the air in the opening credits!

Learning to Stand

After crawling, comes standing!  Julia is working on getting up into the standing position by herself.  Stay tuned for "Learning to Cruise" when she holds onto and moves along the furniture.

Luckily, she can get down from that position by herself too!

Learning to Crawl

For awhile now, Julia has been moving around "commando style."  She now offically crawls on her hands and knees:

This enables her to get in fun places like underneath the coffee table:

And when she's tired, she can crawl to her bedroom!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Learning to Socialize

December brought visits from out-of-town friends, and Julia shows her affection by touching your face...

She also loves a good storyeller...

Learning to Meow

As the air gets colder this winter, Julia needs a hat on our walks.  Here she puts on her cat face...

Learning to Pull

One of the activities Julia enjoys lately is pulling the canvas drawers open underneath her bookcases.

 She discovers all sorts of fun things inside!

Julia also loves to pull on her daddy's facial hair:

And here she tries to reach under his t-shirt!


Learning to Teethe

Two bottom teeth are finally here and big enough to see in a photo.  More are on their way!

With or without teeth, everything goes in the mouth..even her classical music player from R & K, which she loves. (Thanks to Aunts V & J for the sneaker socks!)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Learning to Drum

For Hanukkah, Auntie J got Julia a toy drum...

Here she plays my djembe drum from Vermont...

And here she plays the bongos in music class!

Learning to Recognize

We hope that Julia recognizes from an early age that she is indeed a miracle!  (The t-shirt, in honor of Hanukkah, reads:  A great miracle happened here.)

Learning to Coordinate

Julia didn't even call her Grandmother that morning.  They both are just that fashionable!

Learning to Escape

Julia usually enjoys playing solo in her play area-- her "domain," as Seth calls it.  Here, though, she discovers there is a way out...