Saturday, April 6, 2013

Learning to Wish

With celebration and gratitude, we post our last photos on this blog for now.  It has been an amazing year of learning, and we are very happy to have shared Julia Zahara with you here!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Learning to Grin

Above, Julia plays before getting ready for her first Passover seder (last year she was 4 days old and sleeping)!

Below, Julia shows off her 4.5 teeth just a few days before her first birthday!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Learning to Cheer

Seth has run three marathons, and I have run one.  Here Julia is at the finish line of the LA marathon, learning to cheer and inspired to...well, let's work on walking, first!

Learning to Model

Here Julia models the Uppababy Vista stroller by sitting up in the highest chair position for the first time and moving her legs so you can see the logo!

Learning to Moderate

Everything in moderation...even eating vegetables!

Learning to Climb

At M's birthday party, Julia had a chance to try climbing and succeeds!

Learning to Question

Sometimes Julia gives such mature expressions.  Here's one where it looks like she is questioning what I'm saying!

Learning to Interpret

Julia loves to turn the pages of books and magazines and does so with great dexterity. Here she attempts to leaf through a Torah commentary!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Learning to Clap

We are realizing that Julia understands A LOT already!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Learning to Chew

With the four teeth in and more on the way, Julia loves chewing on anything.  Here we are teaching her about whales in anticipation of her first whale watch on Cape Cod...

Learning to Research

Julia is reading up on the latest parenting and educational theories and reporting back to me!

Learning to Investigate

The smallest details can be the most fascinating for Julia:

Learning to Tilt

Eating can be hard work.  Here Julia begins her siesta after lunch.

Learning to Stretch

Julia innately knows the benefits of stretching.

Learning to Show

Here Julia shows off her two top teeth!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Learning to Love

Contemplating Love

Embracing Love

Dreaming Love

Monday, February 4, 2013

Learning to Point

Julia points to her daddy's nose and then grabs it!

Learning to Cook

Or, not...Julia keeps it raw with her version of sushi...banana & raspberry  and  squash & spinach...

Learning to Picnic

When she's not attempting to eat leaves and acorns, it is fun to picnic with Julia.

Learning to Cup

 Julia is mastering two-handed cup drinking!

Learning to Style

We're happy to say that Julia is a hat person!

And she certainly works the camera when showing off her Shabbat style...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Learning to Press

When she presses her music box, it lights up.  When she smiles like this, I light up!

Learning to Kiss

First Julia practices on herself...

...So that she's ready for her little Hungarian boyfriend (4 years older)!

Learning to Nap

Julia models the yoga pose, "child's pose," quite comfortably during her naps.

Learning to Identify

C, G, & G gave Julia a personalized photo album.  Here Julia spends some time identifying the important people in her life.  And she gets some quiet time relaxing under the coffee table.

Learning to Play

In addition to its slightly annoying sound, the toy piano we gave Julia continued to smell of toxic paint.  We decided to upgrade and get a real keyboard.  This was also a babyproofing act, as it is preventing Julia from crawling into the fireplace.

And putting it up onto two shoe boxes makes it the perfect height for Julia!