Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Learning to Press

When she presses her music box, it lights up.  When she smiles like this, I light up!

Learning to Kiss

First Julia practices on herself...

...So that she's ready for her little Hungarian boyfriend (4 years older)!

Learning to Nap

Julia models the yoga pose, "child's pose," quite comfortably during her naps.

Learning to Identify

C, G, & G gave Julia a personalized photo album.  Here Julia spends some time identifying the important people in her life.  And she gets some quiet time relaxing under the coffee table.

Learning to Play

In addition to its slightly annoying sound, the toy piano we gave Julia continued to smell of toxic paint.  We decided to upgrade and get a real keyboard.  This was also a babyproofing act, as it is preventing Julia from crawling into the fireplace.

And putting it up onto two shoe boxes makes it the perfect height for Julia!